Mga Kabuuang Pageview

Linggo, Oktubre 20, 2013


Got water?
Do your part, be water smart!



That's my mom managing waste's segregation. Her job is to list down those people who distributes and segregates their wastes properly. Sometimes, I'm the one maintaining control over segregation in our purok if my mom is not around.

Segregating Waste Streams

Separating different types of waste at the point of generation and keeping them isolated from each other prevents infectious and hazardous waste contaminating ordinary waste.

This minimises the amounts of infectious, hazardous and low-level radioactive waste that must be treated according to special (and usually costly) standards.

Above: how not to segregate waste. Cardboard, paper, plastics and non-hazardous syringes are mixed in with infectious waste. It all has to be decontaminated.


Segregating Wastes! 

This was done at the third week of the month, Sunday. It is the permanent schedule of distributing wastes in our community.

Have you not been segregating your waste at home?

Less and less land is available to deposit refuse, but the volume of waste is growing all time. Waste is constantly generated in one's apartment complex or office building. It is important to dispose of it appropriately and responsibly. Segregating is important because it makes it easier to recycle and reuse. 

Planting is the most popular Earth day event and one of the most common people associate with helping the Earth.

Tree Planting

Clean & Green

"Inside our purok is a garden were lots of vegetables planted by each of the member. I work jointly together with my neighbors in maintaining our purok clean. This Bayanihan was scheduled every Sunday, third week of the month."

Human Geography

It is a branch of geography that deals with how human activity affects or is influenced by the earth's surface.